Cannie Wind Farm

A new wind farm project in Australia




June 2024

The Cannie Wind Farm Environmental Effects Act referral is now live on the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) website. You can access the referral documents here Cannie wind farm (

May 2024

We have released a new community update newsletter which you can view by clicking here.

Following on from recent Community Information Sessions in Quambatook and Lake Boga, RES has submitted a referral to the Department of Transport and Planning under the Environmental Effects Act (1978).

The referral covers the wind farm development area as well as study areas for a high voltage powerline to connect the wind farm to the proposed Victoria - NSW Interconnector West (VNI-West) Transmission Network Project.

The Cannie Wind Farm connection will be located with the agreement of landowners. RES does not have compulsory acquisition powers to secure a powerline easement.

RES has identified 3 broad study areas for investigations relating to the powerline route from the wind farm site to a connection point with the proposed VNI-West transmission line.  

Click on map to enlarge and download

During these investigations RES and our consultants will consider the land use, cultural, social and environmental constraints within each corridor and discuss potential routes with landowners in these areas. 

We are keen to hear from landowners in these corridors to understand the constraints to, and opportunities for, powerline development in the area. Please contact us  with any comments or questions.

We will begin community consultation in these investigation areas shortly.


March 2024

RES held drop in Information sessions in Quambatook and Lake Boga in February. The information represented at the sessions can be accessed at the links below.  

Most people who attended sought general information about the Project such as its location, wind turbine size, timing and how construction occurs.  Topics raised by participants at the sessions included: 

  • The construction process and how wind farms operate
  • Environmental considerations and referrals, including impacts on native grasslands and the Plains Wanderer
  • Accommodation for workers
  • Job and supplier opportunities
  • Community benefits e.g., sponsorships and grants 
  • Land owner payments and neighbour shared benefit schemes
  • Turbine noise and visual impact
  • Impacts on cropping near turbines and along powerline easements
  • Weed management and biosecurity
  • Rural property valuations and insurance
  • Bushfire management
  • Water usage and  water sources for construction
  • Impacts on air services

Project Overview; Community Benefits; Approvals Process; Project Timeline; Wind Turbine drawing

February 2024

The first Cannie Wind Farm Newsletter has been released. It includes information about the wind farm, RES and the upcoming community information sessions.

Please click the image below to download the newsletter.

Information Sessions

You can drop in between these times to find out more about the Project and discuss it with the RES team.

  • 3 pm – 7 pm Tuesday 20th February,  Quambatook Memorial Hall,  59 Guthrie Street Quambatook
  • 10 am – 2 pm  Wednesday 21st February, Lake Boga Community Centre, Lalbert Rd,  Lake  Boga

The Project is currently in the scoping phase which includes preliminary environmental and social assessments. An EES referral to the Department of Transport and Planning (DPT) is planned for March 2024.

RES has commenced initial feasibility studies for the proposed Project and worked with local landholders to establish a Project footprint. We are also seeking input and feedback from the local community on the Project as part of its planning and development process.

If you have any queries or want to provide feedback please contact us on our dedicated email address or 1800 number.